
Showing posts from March, 2017

How-to Tokyo

久しぶりです (hisashiburi desu) long time no see. Soon i will travel my sixth time to Japan and since im having a wedding party there and some of my folks comming too i finally found motivation to write a short How-to Tokyo! This How-To is highly based on my personal experiences and my way of doing things, so keep in mind there are probalby different ways of handling things. At the end of the article is a small summary with some main tipps. So far i hope you enjoy my tipps and i will write soon from again from japan! Where to stay There are several Hotels in Tokyo. Still its wise to book beforhand. Sometimes there are busy seasons especialy when the students apply for universitys many hotels are booked out. Its wise to not stay near to the airport. Which part of the city depends a little on your intressts but anyway from every part you can easily visit the other districts with the train. For me i liked the area around korakuen near tokyo dome the most couse of easy access and many