
Showing posts from April, 2017

My japanese wedding

So im back at home and finally there is time to write about my experience at my japanese wedding.  We already did all the official parts in Germany, so in Japan we only did the party which was exactly the " hiroen " party (披露宴). But lets start a little bit earlier.... The Preperation Finding a place At first you have to find a place where you want to make the party. Japanese people normally check many places, often Hotels or other Buildings where people do mainly weddings. But since we live in Germany we had not so much time for that and checked much beforehand at the internet and in our holiday we were visiting one place.  The Place we were visiting was gorgeous, actually it was like my wife was so excited and she liked it very much while i was very worried if we can afford such a place!  When we arrived we got picked up by the staff and everything seemed to be luxurious, we checked the prices and found out how to make it less expensive like choosi

Saitama and the matter of perspective

Today I was at Saitama with my wife to pick up a time capsule letter from an old friend who runs a nice small coffee shop in a side street. (if you are a coffee enthusiast check Limenas Coffee they have coffee from all over the world) Saitama is direct to Tokyo. If you ask Saitama and especially Tokyo people they would say Saitama is countryside. The truth is 1.2 million people living in Saitama. That is bigger than Cologne or Duesseldorf and just slightly smaller than Munich which are some of the biggest city's in Germany. But what is big? Once a friend of mine who lives more countryside in Germany told about the big city she is now working. I asked how much people living there and it was 30.000. By myself I'm living in a city with 350.000 people and though that 30.000 is no big at all! But probably it's just a matter of perspective. If you compare Tokyo with more than 12 million people with Saitama 1.2 million people. Then yes Saitama is really small and countryside.

Osaki Station Area

So, I'm back to tokyo and a little bit I have trouble to write about new things couse many things I already discovered (I can't write about every karaoke session even if there are epic :D). But I'm staying in a different area than usual. This time I'm at a hotel near osaki station. I'm actually surprised. I expected nothing but a near place to my wedding. But at the station there is the "Ohsaki New City" (I don't know why the hell there they wrote it with "h" and at the station without) so actually at the new west and new east exit of osaki station you have a nice area with a mall, many cafés and restaurants. Also it's not so crowded and if you still want the crowd it's pretty close to shibuya too.