It's cold here

I really like Japanese summer. Most Japanese think I'm crazy couse of this but at least there I don't freeze outside. The only cold places in japan summer are inside couse people tend to make the air conditioner as cold as possible and then they serve you a cold soup... couse it's summer (I really don't like that^^). But still im freezing less there.
Now I'm back in Germany and in the morning it's so damn the outside! The good thing is, I can take my time here with washing the summer clothes, I don't need them so much here :D
The last days we spent with much eating and buying things for home that we can't get here, like matcha latte. Also couse of original tone we could go to the cinema again. One time I took a break from shopping and was at a studio penta. It's a company where you can rent rooms on a hour basis for music rehearsal, so rent a room and a guitar and have fun. And no worries about neigbours couse of good isolation. Find those things is sometimes more complicated in Germany. But for me it was very easy couse my girlfriend helped me with booking. So sometimes my Japanese lack of things. But sometimes I also could understand much more than I thought. On my speaking skill I have to work more.
The flight back we couldn't sleep and watched much movies. Also we had one woman next to us who managed it to not stand up nor going to the toilet for the entire 12 hour flight! That women must have some steel bladder :D I can understand that when I'm much sleeping. But like this and most time awake is worth some respect :D
The holiday was nice again. I met new people and some people from other trips. Also the countryside was fun. I'm looking forward for the next time!


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