Pokémon Café in Tokyo

Finally I was at the Pokémon Café at Nihombashi in Tokyo.
The café opened last year in Tokyo but i didn't managed to go there last time cause you have to reserve a table beforehand!
The website for reservation is only partly in english but I was able to reserve without further help.
The café is located in Nihombashi inside a mall. In front of the café was a big sleeping snorlax (Relaxo in german and Kabigon in japanese). Also there was a big merchandise shop with all the things you also can find in Pokémon Centers like in Ikebukuru.
At the entry was a timetable and
everyone for an specific time got together inside. All where seated in the same area at the café. After seating you have 90min to spend in the café. The orders can be placed via tablet. We orders the Pikachu curry, Umbreon chicken burger (Nachtara in German and Buraki in Japanese) and a Gengar smoothie (in German and Japanese also Gengar).
The Gengar smoothie was the best of those three. Even so it was more like ice-cream than what I am used to be what a smoothie should be like. Overall I would not expect too much from kawaii arranged food. They are supposed to look good. I think probably the sweets are better than the normal foods. But it was dinner time, that's why we ate those.
While our time there we got a special guest: Pikachu!
He greated everyone and did a little dance. It was also possible to shake his hands. There was much talking with instructions, what is allowed to do with Pikachu and how to behave. And the female announcer also talked much with Pikachu. But it was all in japanese. It felt like a funny acting but I understood only half of it. Or in other words, cause it was aimed for children, I was able to understand the half of it, yay :D
It's also possible to buy some special items in the café and there was a lottery where I won a small Pikachu item.
So, to conclude my experience: it was fun for me to go there. I got what I expected. Some kawaii looking food, many Pokémon items and a visit from Pikachu. 


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