Kichijōji, fishing and hairdresser

It's my 10th time in Japan. Some things start to get normal, many things are still impressing. But there are still many new things and areas.
I was in Kichijōji. Mainly cause we watched the drama "Hibana: Spark" on Netflix and the main character was living there and he was in that park sometimes (Inokashirakoen).
Instead of musicians like in the drama we found silence and funny pedal boats in the park. So it was still nice.
About Kichijōji I was very surprised how nice the area is.
It's a little bit more outside of the Tokyo centers. But only a 20-30 min ride by train from shibuya.
If you drive there, you get to see much shopping places and restaurants. So if you get tired of the crowded shibuya and all the other tourists, maybe you should check out Kichijōji. There are still many people but it's less crowded and you will find nearly everything there, too.

What I found, while searching a restaurant, was a ツリボリカフェ(tsuribori Café). It's a place where you can fish and then they will prepare the fish for you too eat.
I always wanted to try fishing in my life but in Germany you need a license first. But that's quite a challenge if you don't know if you would enjoy it. So these places make it easy. There is a fish tank with many small fishes inside. Then you get a small rope and some lure. Within one hour or so we were allowed to catch 10 fishes together which will be prepared later. (so I guess if you are alone it's 5)
The fishes were very small so you will not get a full stomach there. We had the choice between the fishes made as tempura or as karage (so they get fried). The whole fish will be fried and then you eat the fish in whole, too. In Germany we are not so used to do so. So the first bite was a small challenge for me. But the taste was good.
Even so it was a little bit expensive I had a lot of fun. The first try I actually caught a fish! And then the next half hour or so I had bad luck while my wife was getting one fish after another. After copying her technique my luck came back too :D
So if you ever wanted to try fishing and are in Japan, maybe you should check out such a place. I think it's also possible to not eat the fishes  and just release them later.
The owner was also nice and we had a little chat about fishing and Germany.

Another challenge on that day was trying out a Japanese hairdresser. My wife wanted to go and I took the chance too. The price was a little bit higher than my usual haircut in Germany (but that is a quite cheap one). The service was, like expected in Japan, better than in Germany.
When i entered i could have got a small handbag for my belongings and they took care of my bag. I didn't need the small handbag so I refused that.
In Japan you will wear many layers. First one robe and then something for the neck and then something more for the neck and even more things to protect everything. So at the end it was the first time for me to not have hair at my clothes after going to a hairdresser! Then I got a special pillow to rest my arms in so you can read magazines more relaxing. It's good for the smartphone too. They also brought me some magazines for men. But still my Japanese only made me understand verry little of those.
I got a dry haircut which met my wishes. (sure it helps a lot to have my wife with me for translation. Without it would have been hard to explain what I want)
After that I got a incredible hair washing. I got head massages too in Germany but never so carefully. It was long and very relaxing. Then I got a hot towel on my head. Never had those in my life before. Its nice!
Then I got a little bit massaged on the shoulder and the back. Not long but still nice. Then they dried my hair and styled them.
So, considering those service, the higher price was actually cheap. I don't know about high price hairdresser service in Germany or lower price service in Japan or what is normal in other countries, but this was a nice experience with many new things for me while just going for a hair cut! 


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