Okinawa Part two

So I'm sitting here and waiting for my flight to fukuoka, which means that the Okinawa time is over.
Two days ago we wanted to try another beach in Naha but we had bad luck.
The beach itself was nice but not allowed to swim in the water. The problem was that a typhoon some days before caused the staff to remove the jellyfish protection net and now they have to wait until the jellyfish are gone until they reinstall that net. Actually most beaches seemed to have such a net. That was new to me.
So we kinda switched the plan and walked to an outlet store nearby. There we ate Okinawa Soba. Which reminds a little bit of udon noodles.
Then we started to master the confusing bus system and after that drove with the monorail to the Shuri castle. The castle was really nice and pretty different from castles in Europe. Especially the inside had so many wood. Also it explained a little bit about the ryuku kingdom (Okinawa) and it's relationships between China and Japan. Its actually a pretty interesting history. So it's no wonder Okinawa feels a little different from Japan couse they have still much connections to China. Also you notice the military from the USA here.
After the castle we went to a nice curry shop nearby and after sunset we tried to see the lighting of the castle but where a little bit to late so it was nearly closing time. On the way home with the bus we met a funny international couple from Amsterdam and Paris while she was actually half Japanese.
From the bus station to the hotel we discovered the our hotel was pretty near to the red light district...
The next day we tried again a new beach in Naha. This time we had luck. The beach looked good and was open for swimming (by the way: now we know that most beaches have homepages were you can check that information beforehand). So we had a nice chilling last day at the beach.
Today the taxi driver explained us that after the war they had the roads on the right side couse of the USA. And when they got back to Japan they had to change everything to left side driving like in the rest of Japan. It must have been pretty complicated to change that system!
At the end Okinawa was a nice adventure with sometimes really adventures and less relaxing than my expectations were. But next time we know which places are nice. Also we only saw two of many islands here. There are much more.
So far see you in fukuoka!


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