Okinawa Part one

My first trip to Okinawa! Yeah!
That was my thinking before. But at the first day it turned out that my expectations were a little bit high.
It startet with a stressful check-in in Tokyo so we suddenly had no time for dinner. At Okinawa Airport first stop was something to eat. Nice Udon noodles :-)
Taxi to the hotel was also OK. Hotel also what I expected. City beach near the hotel... ちょっと... Not so good. Small and the beach store decided to make much music for everyone. So it felt more like a small party beach. But just without party. Also the beach looked far from what I expected a beach look like as I knew it from Spain, Netherlands or France. But hey city Beach so my expectations were probably just wrong.
Then we headed to a recommended street by catalloges called the international street.
I would recommend it if you like to fresh up your Chinese and be at a tourist hot spot we're most things are just expensive or fake. Not to mention we actually tried to eat dinner there but the food tasted like from  a cafeteria. Good amount with less taste but eatable. Just to expensive for that taste. But maybe my mood was not good that day couse of flight stress and then headache and so on, so don't take it so badly.
But there is a big BUT:
The second day:
Breakfast at hotel: good taste, buffet, reasonable price. Finally!
Then we drove with the ferry to tokashiki Island to visit the aharen beach.
On the way to the island the sea was a little rough. I never saw so many people barf at the same time... But the ship was prepared with much plastic bags. I was lucky I lend mine to someone else and was thinking about renaming the ferry to "the barf boat".
But there it comes the second big But!
The trip was actually worth it. We drove with a public bus to the beach (for me new thing that there were extra special seats in the middle of the bus so we couldn't move at all once seated).
The looking of the beach was amazing!
Nice view, clean, not crowded, chilled people, safe... The only bad part if you want to read it: it's expensive to get there. But I really recommend it if your stomach can handle the ferry. Driving back was then very chilled. Easy sea and I slept. Then dinner at a local restaurant at the harbor. Not so special but price and taste were pretty good. Definitely better than the tourist scam.
Tomorrow we will visit another beach at the main island. I hope it's better than the first one. So stay tuned :-)


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