Spontaneous Matsuri

So, this is my seventh time in Japan and this time it's three weeks holiday. This time we will visit Tokyo, Okinawa and Fukuoka.
The first day was actually surprising and interesting. While landing at Narita Airport we saw an airplane labeled with  "BvB" which is a big football club in Germany. I first thought they are in Japan.   After some research it turned out the club has a partnership with Mongolian airlines who are allowed to use that brand in boths interests. But still its nice to see unique painted airplanes.
Later that day my wife wanted to go to her favorite hairdresser at jiyugaoka (自由が丘) there I found out that in Japan are much more male hairdressers then in Germany. But even more interesting was the Matsuri in front of the station we accidentally bumped in. They did traditional dances from the area. The dance is called Bonodori (盆踊り). Many people joint the dance on the street. So did we then and it was quite funny!
After that heavy workout we really needed some tasty ramen.


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