Sakura Season

Finally im back in Japan. This time the waiting seemed to be pretty long. On the other hand the time moves very fast. It's complicated.
This time my travel involves a little challenge, couse my stomach is no good. So my usual enjoyment like tasting funny food doesn't make it this trip.
Also this time we flew not directly but with a connection flight over Helsinki. It worked pretty smoothly. I hope on the way home it will be also like this.
Luckily we just arrived at the Sakura Season (cherry blossom) in Tokyo. Here it is a big thing. There are daily news about where is the Sakura and when. When the blossom starts there are many festivals and people gathering in the parks for picnicking at taking pictures. Besides that there are many special products for that season like Sakura chocolate etc.
So its a very nice season to come to Japan. The weather is also neither hot nor cold and i can enjoy it without the need to eat :D


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