Rush Hour

So today i was in the yamanote line while rush hour. That reminded me why i prefer a Japanese rush hour full train over a German full one.
I say rush hour full because i think most Germans can't know how full a train in Japan can be. It's if never experienced hard to imagine. So here are my two short descriptions of German full and Japanese rush hour full trains.

In Germany a full train is no fun. People are stressed. And they are not used to full which makes them expose their stress to the outside. Then u have the loud people who doesn't help at all in that situation.
On the top of that if you want to go out, no one moves. So if possible long before your station comes you have to push yourself to the exit. Ah and by the way if you are to nice, the chance is high that people will ignore you and you are stuck. So sometimes even if you are friendly you have to be harsh then. Otherwise next station, next chance. Its not your station? Bad luck.
If you made it to the exit than the next challenge is to get out. Couse not everyone will wait for people to get out first... So its a rather unpleasant experience. But sometimes unavoidable.

It can be very full. Quite often. But rush hour is a different level. Think of a train that is full. Then add 100 people more. Now its really full. You think you can't move but still there is that little space between you and at least one other person. So 50 more people come in. You think its impossible but it's not. You just have to give up that little rest of private space and get in full body contact with the person behind and in front of you.
Then the magic happens. 10 more people want to join your party and they are gently pushing (without being harsh) themselves in and steal the rest space of all others. Now we have rush hour. But its not over. There are these 3 crazy people who still think they are fitting in. And they do the same. Gently pushing. No talk. That would be strange. Now its rush hour full. And still there is these one bravery guy who thinks to himself. "hell no i don't wait 3min for the next train" and he pushes himself in too.
Well im lucky that im bigger than the average Japanese. So i can breath above them all in my virtualy private air. But that's rush hour.
There are good sides:
Its really calm and silent.
Nearly no one is stressed.
And the people really manage to make space if you want to get out. No matter where you stay. Just start moving to the door. Its like swimming. Just move the water erm bodys gently away while walking. It will happen automatically. Couse no one is so stupid to stop someone for going outside and making some new space.


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