
Showing posts from July, 2015

Sold out

Wohoo, welcome to tokyo to me :D After a great flight with really huge space (i even could transform my seat into a bed! ) i landed in Tokyo Narita. There i realized finally: my smartphone is too old. The thing is i wanted to by a data sim card so i can surf the net while im around (or navigate my self at home if i get lost). Last year there was no problem at all with this. If i had a newer smarteit wouldn't be a problem, too. But mine still uses a regular sim card and nearly all shops only had micro and nano... After an hour or so i found one with regular sim cards. But only for 7 or 14 days. Great thing that i stay longer. Im to special for them xD So if you travel here with an old smartphone,  buy yourself an adapter or something before coming here. It makes things easier. I also had the option to rent another smartphone. But fuck this. Im using my old friend and bought a 14 day and a 7 day card. There goes my money. Hours later i arrived at my apartment after a short heart

No way this is gonna be an awesome trip :D

So im gonna be a more and more positive men and appreciate the advantage of a hardcase luggage.  You have a seat everywhere with these things :D also i had fun hekping some kids to get to their festival somewhere in mühlheim. I thought it was fun to just help them. Maybe someday i get it back or not. I don't care. But now im totally flashed! So i thought this post is about how im gonna pay 3,50 € for a bottle of water couse of security reasons. Also i wanted to tell you how i find a cool song today which i cant play on my ukulele which im taking with me (just to scare the Japanese xD) But hey im flexible in things. After i found my check in counter they sayd today we have a special offer for business class. Im like wtf "yeah special...,  i seen those prices..." than i heared the price and my brain kinda blocked. (Especially i knew i had a bad seat in the middle of the plane and thought: great opportunity to come close to two intressting people. ) So the price was in


So while it is not long till my trip starts, i bought some last things like these strange little travel shower bottles. Also some clothes have to be washed. So far, so normal. Then i rewatched "The Ramen Girl". It is really a great movie which is in english and japanese.  It transports how lost you can feel in tokyo while everyone is talking japanese and you understand nearly nothing! But it made me feel like i was there again. It was confusing but fun and feels like adventure. The thrill is to discover the things you don't understand. What made me really proud was that this time i watched the movie i really understand some japanese words! So hey, learning does help! I talked with a japanese friend of mine about the movie and it turns out that one of the co-producers of the movie is the principal of the school where she is taking drama classes. Seems again the world is small. And it made me feel more connected and anticipation for this small city im about to visit again

Starting a blog

Welcome to my freaking awesome blog. First: yes i fucked up finding a decent name for this blog and the worst is my blog Adress. But hey since there is a full southpark episode about this problem im at least not alone! So what i am doing here? Somehow people were intressted in me traveling again to japan,  so i want to try to keep you up to date. Even if i don't know if i have enough time for this or just post some pictures to my fb friends. W hy am i writing in English? Couse i want to improve my English plus get a wider audience. So maybe two persons read the blog instead of one :-) What you will expected here? Expect nothing. Im just writing stuff of my brain while im travel. Maybe there will be also some pictures. Time will show how motivated i am. That's it, first post! yeah :D