No way this is gonna be an awesome trip :D

So im gonna be a more and more positive men and appreciate the advantage of a hardcase luggage.  You have a seat everywhere with these things :D also i had fun hekping some kids to get to their festival somewhere in mühlheim. I thought it was fun to just help them. Maybe someday i get it back or not. I don't care.
But now im totally flashed!
So i thought this post is about how im gonna pay 3,50 € for a bottle of water couse of security reasons. Also i wanted to tell you how i find a cool song today which i cant play on my ukulele which im taking with me (just to scare the Japanese xD)
But hey im flexible in things.
After i found my check in counter they sayd today we have a special offer for business class. Im like wtf "yeah special...,  i seen those prices..." than i heared the price and my brain kinda blocked. (Especially i knew i had a bad seat in the middle of the plane and thought: great opportunity to come close to two intressting people. )
So the price was in a range where i thought you might never again get so cheap in the comfort of flying business. So here i am sitting in the business lounge and having free beer and bananas (any minions out there?^^)
Im so curious how the flight will be.  Im gonna have a seat for myself.  I can't believe it.
Now im thinking. Is this the top or the start of my trip? Anyway its gonna be freaking awesome :-)


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