
So while it is not long till my trip starts, i bought some last things like these strange little travel shower bottles. Also some clothes have to be washed. So far, so normal.
Then i rewatched "The Ramen Girl". It is really a great movie which is in english and japanese.  It transports how lost you can feel in tokyo while everyone is talking japanese and you understand nearly nothing! But it made me feel like i was there again. It was confusing but fun and feels like adventure. The thrill is to discover the things you don't understand. What made me really proud was that this time i watched the movie i really understand some japanese words! So hey, learning does help!
I talked with a japanese friend of mine about the movie and it turns out that one of the co-producers of the movie is the principal of the school where she is taking drama classes. Seems again the world is small. And it made me feel more connected and anticipation for this small city im about to visit again: Tokyo!


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