Sold out

Wohoo, welcome to tokyo to me :D
After a great flight with really huge space (i even could transform my seat into a bed! ) i landed in Tokyo Narita. There i realized finally: my smartphone is too old. The thing is i wanted to by a data sim card so i can surf the net while im around (or navigate my self at home if i get lost). Last year there was no problem at all with this. If i had a newer smarteit wouldn't be a problem, too. But mine still uses a regular sim card and nearly all shops only had micro and nano...
After an hour or so i found one with regular sim cards. But only for 7 or 14 days. Great thing that i stay longer. Im to special for them xD
So if you travel here with an old smartphone,  buy yourself an adapter or something before coming here. It makes things easier.
I also had the option to rent another smartphone. But fuck this. Im using my old friend and bought a 14 day and a 7 day card. There goes my money.
Hours later i arrived at my apartment after a short heart attack. ( couse i was to stupid to interpret the manual how to open my post box to get the key out)
Now i headed through ikebukuro just because jetlag keeps me awake. And what i bumb into? Löwenbräu. Yay 9000km travel to see a german flag xD
But the coolest thing here: it is really hot! I like this!


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