Back at school

I did it, I was back at my language school in Tokyo. It just took me 3 years to do so.
I had some extra holiday cause of changing my job, so it was my chance to come back. This time only two weeks.
I was actually nervous cause I studied Japanese mainly by myself in the last years and didn't know which class I would fit. Beforehand I did an online test which already pointed out my weaknesses: grammar...
At the first day at school I did another test plus an interview to check my level. So my vocabulary were good, my kanji knowledge, my listening and talking but my grammar pretty much sucked.
I had the choice to enter two different levels. I chose the higher one and got additional homework to match up with my classmates. But even the higher Level was much lower what I studied in my current book. But it was good. Through the test I found out I cheated my way around many grammar rules and in the class I finally understood some important points.
Apparently I was not the only one in the class with that problem. We also had people who lived in Japan for some years in the same "low level" class.
The problem with everyday Japanese is, when I met family and friends from my wife, that I had more value out of studying kanji and vocabulary. This way I could catch keywords and with body language together I knew round about what the topic is about and sometimes even could say a tiny little bit to the topic.
Grammar is good for that but to know vocabulary was more important. The problem is without grammar it's hard to say something that actually sounds like a Japanese adult and not like a retarded child.
So these two weeks I fokused on understanding grammar and trying to talk more correct and fluently. It worked pretty well, I improved!
Really a big thanks to the teachers! They motivated me really much and the class was mainly fun!
It also helped that my classmates were also motivated. It's just so different if people pay by themselves to learn in their holiday.
I wish in normal schools everyone would be so motivated. I would have had much better grades then.
Now I'm back at home and thinking back of the nice time. Besides Japanese I also learned much about Australia. Cause they have summer holidays in December I had many Australian classmates.
Here at home my study continues. I got back to my daily kanji routine. But I want to change my book. I will try to use the book from the school now and continue in the lower level to hopefully understand the grammar.
I hope someday I can do this again. But probably it will not be soon, I need my holidays also to explore other aspects in Japan and around the world then just the language.
So in the end I say thank you for all the people who are helping me with the learning!


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