My Christmas Season in Japan

So this year I'm in Tokyo in December and will return shortly before Christmas to Germany.
First I thought, here I will feel less of a Christmas spirit then at home.
I was soo wrong. So while in Germany we have of course the Christmas markets and much dekorations outside, the Japanese seem to enjoy the decorating even more.
Nearly everywhere I go there is Christmas dekoration, the staff has Christmas accessories, there are special Christmas offers, special Christmas food and some places have really beautiful illuminations.
Ah and don't forget that you will hear mainly Christmas songs in the cafés or departments. In some places there are even Christmas markets. But i haven't yet time to visit one due to of a busy schedule (I'm studying Japanese at a school this trip) and a cold.
But my Christmas spirit feeling here is quite higher than I expected.
We will not stay for actual Christmas here. While the decoration here is really good, the Celebration is different. For the Japanese Christmas is the time to date. Beeing without a partner or a Christmas date is a nightmare for the Japanese. So you usually see many couples dating. If you are alone, avoid popular date spots on Christmas eve.
And while we in Germany keep the Christmas decoration even after Christmas for a while, the people here told me that the decoration will be removed immediately after Christmas. That's Japanese perfection. Christmas is over so away with all the stuff until next year.
Also the way more important day for the Japanese is coming: new year!
For christians it is important to meet the family at Christmas. For Japanese the importance of meeting the family is on the new years eve. People go to shrines at midnight and celebrate the new year with their family. Sadly I can't experience it this year. But someday I want to do it.
Ah and by the way, if you wonder about the increase of party salary mans in December, they are doing 忘年会 (bounenkai). Literally it means "forget year meeting" . These are end of the year parties with the Colleagues. It reminds me a little bit of all the company and club Christmas parties in Germany.


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