
Showing posts from October, 2015

Big Cities

One thing that is funny in big cities like Tokyo is that sometimes you see people you normally don't see. Like yesterday when my girlfriend and I wanted to buy something at 7/11 and we endet up standing in the line right after Miss Slovenia. Somehow there must be a beauty contest in Tokyo couse the 7/11 was crowded with misses like miss Russia, China, Portugal, Honduras.... but we didn't wanted to disturb them with making pictures, sry for that :D I didn't found miss Japan and Miss Germany but hey I think my Girlfriend and I can represent that countries very well ^^ So and Today there is Halloween. Somehow here every store and schools are decorated with Halloween accessories. The Japanese love this. Also today is the Big party at Shibuya. Even so some Japanese are concerned about that couse shibuya is crowded on normal days and on Halloween it can be insane and maybe dangerous. For me I spent my last night with my girl so I used the afternoon to take a look at Shibuya an

How to make an impression in Tokyo

Well I found out all it needs to make in impression is to be a white guy with blonde hair and order a chai latte. That's all :D Maybe someone remember the story of the Starbucks where they reserved a table for me. I was there again and the barista actually asked me if I was there before and if I normally want a chai latte. I said yes two months ago. After she said she remembered me I asumed she  reserved the table for me in the summer. Those things happen to me me here sometimes. We were also at these incredible Indian Curry Restaurant near Nakamurabashi station and there they also seem to remember me :D So it's easy to be remembered here. But on the other side hard to be undercover^^ Also these days I visited the buildings of the Tokyo University. It's a huge university with some nice buildings! Beside that I drove the Rollercoaster at Tokyo Dome and hanging around in Starbucks or Excelsior a cafés watching people. Eating outside is also a thing here. You can get a go

Much Japanese and a Child's dream

My first days runs so fast again! Yesterday I had a day full of meeting people who tried to speak Japanese with me. I was at a school festival where we met friends of my Girlfriend. There I experienced my first Japanese tea ceremony. I found out that I sometimes can follow a conservation with body language and lot of words like "intresting" or "no" or "repeat". So actually I maybe understand 2 percent of the talking. But hey its more than nothing! Later at the day I met family of my Girlfriend. There also was lots of Japanese and a little bit teaching English :D There I also wished to know more Japanese. After greeting, hobbys , job and talking about weather my Japanese is over. But it's a good training to be forced a little bit to try to speak. Yeah and today my childhood dream from long ago got true. I was in a real Pokémon Center! It's funny that those shops really can exist here^^ And now I do what I always do. After I was at a café I fo

How to travel like a pro :D

Finally the day has come I fly again. And the more and more you fly you get more experience how to do things. Seat at the emergency exit for more space? Check! Empty plastic bottle to fill it after security check with water? Check! This one is not so needed in tokyo narita. There they don't rip you off with water like at German airports... Another good thing is if you travel with the German train with some luggage, make sure you get into the Waggons with the bycicle sign on it. You Have way more space to stay at least somewhere with the luggage. Now, couse I'm way to early and everything went smoothly I have time to wait for my plane. I only have to resist the urge to buy more snacks. Good thing I brought something with me which is empty by now :D I hope when I'm in Tokyo I have some more intresting stories to tell. See you soon ; -)

One week to go

Wow that was fast. In one week I'm going back to tokyo. I'm only staying for one week this time but I'm glad I have the possibility to do so. The main reason of my stay is my Girlfriend. And main reason to write again is that I missed writing a blog :D  Actually not much happend here in Germany. Except lot of talking to people how japan is and how my Girlfriend and I manage things. Sometimes surprising things coming up like my grandmother who found a 30 years old sake which my grandfather  got as a present from doing business with a Japanese company. I'm not sure if I can drink that but I think it's intresting that I thought I'm the first in family with contacts to Japan and then it turns out that grandparents have a story too. My grandfather told me lot of story's from his life but this was a new one. Maybe it is the benefits of interculture relationship that brings us to new story's. Back to topic. Tokyo again. I tried to learn much at home and wi