How to travel like a pro :D

Finally the day has come I fly again. And the more and more you fly you get more experience how to do things.
Seat at the emergency exit for more space? Check!
Empty plastic bottle to fill it after security check with water? Check!
This one is not so needed in tokyo narita. There they don't rip you off with water like at German airports...
Another good thing is if you travel with the German train with some luggage, make sure you get into the Waggons with the bycicle sign on it. You Have way more space to stay at least somewhere with the luggage.

Now, couse I'm way to early and everything went smoothly I have time to wait for my plane. I only have to resist the urge to buy more snacks. Good thing I brought something with me which is empty by now :D

I hope when I'm in Tokyo I have some more intresting stories to tell.
See you soon ; -)


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