One week to go

Wow that was fast. In one week I'm going back to tokyo. I'm only staying for one week this time but I'm glad I have the possibility to do so.
The main reason of my stay is my Girlfriend.
And main reason to write again is that I missed writing a blog :D 
Actually not much happend here in Germany. Except lot of talking to people how japan is and how my Girlfriend and I manage things. Sometimes surprising things coming up like my grandmother who found a 30 years old sake which my grandfather  got as a present from doing business with a Japanese company. I'm not sure if I can drink that but I think it's intresting that I thought I'm the first in family with contacts to Japan and then it turns out that grandparents have a story too. My grandfather told me lot of story's from his life but this was a new one.
Maybe it is the benefits of interculture relationship that brings us to new story's.
Back to topic. Tokyo again. I tried to learn much at home and with visiting a Japanese Class once a week. Also lot of learning at Starbucks which turns out to be a better place to learn than in front of my tv.
Still I always think it's not enough. I'm going there and will understand less than I want to understand. Also motivation is a  bitch. I want to have motivation to learn every free minute but that's not possible.  The mind needs a break. But I I do at least something every day. Sometimes only my anki flash cards app where you get 5 new Kanjis a day and got also questions about the Kanjis you already learned. But it's tricky. Some Kanjis my brain refuses to learn the Japanese spelling while I know what it means in English easily. But I hope in time this will get better.
The best success is indeed learning the topics of my Japanese class. So I can talk about the weather in Japanese now :D  anyway if I look objective at the learning and compare how long I'm learning English included with school... I'm not doing sooo bad.


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