Big Cities

One thing that is funny in big cities like Tokyo is that sometimes you see people you normally don't see.
Like yesterday when my girlfriend and I wanted to buy something at 7/11 and we endet up standing in the line right after Miss Slovenia. Somehow there must be a beauty contest in Tokyo couse the 7/11 was crowded with misses like miss Russia, China, Portugal, Honduras.... but we didn't wanted to disturb them with making pictures, sry for that :D I didn't found miss Japan and Miss Germany but hey I think my Girlfriend and I can represent that countries very well ^^

So and Today there is Halloween. Somehow here every store and schools are decorated with Halloween accessories. The Japanese love this. Also today is the Big party at Shibuya. Even so some Japanese are concerned about that couse shibuya is crowded on normal days and on Halloween it can be insane and maybe dangerous.
For me I spent my last night with my girl so I used the afternoon to take a look at Shibuya and Harajuku and also now at this time it is extremely crowded and I catched some costumes. The feeling was a little bit like on a cosplay convention.

And now I drink my last Matcha Frappuccino until I came back here again ; -)


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