Back to the past

The first full day in Tokyo and suddenly much things to do.
First I was going with my girlfriend to the eye doctor and I could see how that looks. The doctors office is quite different from Germany. Much less space refers to much less rooms and somehow everything is in one room just divided by furniture and dividing walls. The machines are basically the same. The knowhow seems also be same standard like in Germany. And couse of the small place people don't talk so loud to give it a little bit of privacy.
Later we meet my girlfriends sister and we're at our favourite udon shop. It's so tasty there and I learned much Japanese from the sister. Even so it's hard to answer if suddenly someone asks something you didn't prepare in some textbook!
Suddenly my knee wanted to become worse again. I found out I wore the same shoes when the problem startet. I didnt wore them for long time. So we startet the adventure of finding shoes in my size. It's quite challenging. Some shops didn't had my size at all and others only some. But at the end we found some and walking is much better now. But my size was even there the biggest one. So if you have bigger feet than a European 45 than it will get really challenging.
Now to the top point of today. My girlfriend and me celebrated the day were we first met two years ago at that exactly place :-)


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