Countryside of japan

The last days in Tokyo I was happy to see a friend from last year studying at genkijacs. It's really nice that we could see again in japan :-)
He is again studying there so I quickly jumped in and said hello to some of the teachers. I really can recommend them if you have the time, the money and the motivation to learn Japanese some weeks there.
After that we visited the the father of my girlfriend for some days. He lives in a small village in tokushima. There are many mountains! One day we did a nice adventure trip through the mountains and visited a valley and walked over an old style bridge which was originally build by samurais many years ago who lived in that area.
The countryside of japan is of course quite different from tokyo. Less people, less action, less stress. So basically we slept and ate much :D
Like in German countryside you really need a car in that area. But the cars here are much smaller. Not couse of the people, it's couse of the small roads in the villages. German cars can't pass through those. Also the mountain roads are easier to drive with a not so wide car. Anyway i think in Germany it got a little bit out of hands that even former smaller cars like Opel corsa or VW Polo got quite big and old parking spaces got much to small. So that trend didn't made it to countryside japan.
Also funny I found a restaurant called "Autobahn" in tokushima. But something like a autobahn was nowhere to find at our place :D
Really nice was one visit at a local ramen shop. You could eat fresh made ramen and udon with self grown ingredients and it was also cheap o.O
So over all, some days countryside was a nice idea. Now I'm sitting in the train back to tokyo. But we make a short stop at kobe to eat the famous meat there! I'm really looking forward to that :-)


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