
Showing posts from August, 2015

Saying goodbye

Now im sitting at the airport and the trip is nearly over. I whish i could stay. I had so much fun in this country. I ate so much things. I learned much. I did lots of karaoke singing.... I think the only bad things are the damn mosquitos, really really huge bugs in front of my door, that i tend to pay to much money and that i have to leave. I even like the Japanese summer. It's incredible hot, for shure. But at least it is a summer and not a rainy something :D I can't describe how many things i will miss. But sometimes you have to go when its at the best. So saying goodbye... It never felt so hard like today with my kanojo. Thanks for spending the time with me! Going to germany is a path i have to go. Like in the picture, a path from the shrine i have to go. But that only means that someday i can go the same path back.

Genkijacs Tokyo last day at the school

Today was my last day at my language school (Genkijacs in Tokyo). I really enjoyed it. I think i learned much and fast for the time i was there. I also booked my apartment over the school. That was a easy way to get a cheaper place to live. Then i started in a total beginners class even if i had japanese lessons for some months at a adult school. But you can't compare 90min learning a week with 4 hours a day plus homework and beeing in the country plus sometimes learn even more just couse you are motivated. So i think after 3 days or so we all were at the same level and i learned only new things after this. Also it was good that we were a new class. So everyone was new. That makes it easier to bond with the people. Even so i didn't met not nice people at the school. We all have the same goal and paid to be there. That makes learning another thing. It was a bit like school when i was younger. But here i had more fun and was motivated and my classmates also. So it was a good le

Travel with a band

Today i played roadie for a japanese band i know. They are playing guitar and a drum set with a Cajon and doing calligraphy while playing. It is really awesome! They had a gig at a temple in Takasaki in the gunma prefecture and i filmed it for them. So i got actually outside of tokyo and that fast as hell with the shinkansen! The temple, the priest and the people who lived there were really nice!  I wished my japanese would be better couse we couldn't talk much couse of my lack of japanese and there's in English. But anyway the acting was cool in this beautiful temple. After the musik there was a speach. I only understood some words. But the short translation of my friends referred to me a speach about life and changing in life. It reminds me a bit of some speaches i heared in germany in a protestant church. So with all our culture differences and different religions maybe our thoughts and hopes are equal. And also intressting was theat the people who gone to this event w

So what, i extend!

Well... since i had so much fun in my first weeks and i feel like i learn much and i want to do more with someone special and i have some vacation days left, i extend my stay for some days! So i have 5 more days at the Japanese school and 5 more days full of adventure, beeing tired and have much fun with people all over the world. Sorry to my people in germany for this!  At Thursday i had a great evening with cool people, lots of eating, laughing and of course karaoke. We need more karaoke in germany. Its just fun if you do it with some friends! Today i thought i should do a bit of a tourist thing couse the last week was more like living as a language student in my second home here. I visited asakusa. If you search things for tourists and a huge tempel: thats your place!  The tempel is really nice. Even it is awkward for a german to see swastikas everywhere. Of course they have a complete different meaning here! The stores and the people were a bit to tourism like for me (but i th

Starbucks japanese style and learning katakana

Just imagine you are a Starbucks junky and think you know everything about how orders in Starbucks work on the world. But if you weren't in a Starbucks in japan you don't know! Somehow if the Starbucks is crowdy the cashier actually mention this and say that there is no place free and you either wait or buy something togo. But if its full they tend to say that there is no free place. A bit confusing if you are used to be fucked if you buy something for stay and end up hanging around like an idiot with your chai tea if there is no free place. So actually i find this great here. Today actually the cashier was running through the Starbucks and looking for a free place for me and saved it with a reserved sign! Where do you find that?! And did i mention they have macha frapuchino over here? :D Other topic: today we were finally forced to learn katakana. I started to learn it slowly but forced by the teachers, that gives you a huge push. So today i ran through the city and was fin

Buying a yukata

So yesterday we wanted to go to a firework at Odaiba. Many japanese kind of suit up for those events with wearing yukatas. With a little (actually a lot of) help i bought also a yukata. The cheapest one looked not good. But then we went to a better shop and found a really cool one with dragons. Until that it was easy. But try to find traditional shoes as a European with big foot... I tried a lot.... and at some point we decided to look for sandals instead of traditional shoes. That was not easy too but we found some. I like them and it looked good with the yukata! Really a big thanks for the help! Maybe i wear the yukata on a convention sometime. Couse of that we needed so long we was way to late to meet the other people. We arrived just as the fireworks startet and forgot to bring snacks and such things: big sorry for that! The firework was nice. And really long! Couse of the others we had a great spot at the beach. I also met new intressting people from France, Italy, Swiss and

First week is over

Wow that was fast! My first week is over and im feeling like, why do i stay such a short time here? Im pretty sure im getting japansick again when im going back. So anyway what happens the last days: We learned a lot of things at school! I think its a good way how they let us repeat and repeat and repeat.  Or maybe i should say repeato xD somehow many words japanese use are japanized english and adding an "o" or a "tsu" sometimes helps that people understand you. It got to a running gag with a friend here :D At Wednesday we watched a movie after school. The ghibli movie with the moving castle (dont remember the actual title at the moment) After that i went to karaoke with some mates of my class and many french people. Karaoke is just the thing to go here! Yesterday i was at ginza. There are a lot of expensive shops like gucci and the buildings are mostly designed. We found a store there where they sell star wars chopsticks (you also can find them in akihabara)

Visiting, school, classmates

Welcome back. Im full into the tokyo life style. Always on the run, so less writing. At Sunday i visited harajuku. It's still crazy there!  Later i went to shibuya to met a friend. While i was waiting a model scout talked to me and asked if she could send some pictures of me to her boss. And im like wtf?! But hey why complain if people think im good looking. I don't think i hear ever again from them. At least of my short stay (they asked about that). But hey: a great ego-push :D Than i experienced cinema in japan. The western movies are only subtitled in japanese. So its no problem to follow up if you know English. And then the classical thing: karaoke :D  Than at eating i discovered a fish i like. That's really rare. But it is couse of the Japanese thing to share the food. It makes it easier to just try things. If you don't like it, someone other will eat it. So to my school. I finished my second day today. It's cool i think. There are really nice people in my

3 days into one

Today i somehow managed to squeeze the amount of the adventures from 3 days  into one. I met my japanese friend. After a short break in Shinjuku we decided to visit a huge budha statue in kamakura. But beware: this thing is big but it also can appear out of nowhere! After that we went to the beach. And guess what i found.... a german restaurant! These germans seem to be everywhere xD On the way home we thought Yokohama is right in the way!  If you are a fan of pikachu go there! You can't get out of the way of pictures of him. There is even a park with roller coasters and a big ferris wheel where you can see Yokohama at night. Its great especially if you do this at night ;-)