Travel with a band

Today i played roadie for a japanese band i know. They are playing guitar and a drum set with a Cajon and doing calligraphy while playing. It is really awesome!
They had a gig at a temple in Takasaki in the gunma prefecture and i filmed it for them.
So i got actually outside of tokyo and that fast as hell with the shinkansen!
The temple, the priest and the people who lived there were really nice!  I wished my japanese would be better couse we couldn't talk much couse of my lack of japanese and there's in English.
But anyway the acting was cool in this beautiful temple.
After the musik there was a speach. I only understood some words. But the short translation of my friends referred to me a speach about life and changing in life. It reminds me a bit of some speaches i heared in germany in a protestant church. So with all our culture differences and different religions maybe our thoughts and hopes are equal.
And also intressting was theat the people who gone to this event was like in the church mostly older people. Some things are everywhere the same^^
The resume of the day is that im lucky to get a look in a real japanese life abroad from tourism. I don't think everyone can experience this.
At the end we could write whishes on a candle in a cup and place it outside. The candles looked really nice in the dark. My photo doesn't show the full beauty!
Now im going back to tokyo. Tomorrow i have school again :D


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