Saying goodbye

Now im sitting at the airport and the trip is nearly over. I whish i could stay. I had so much fun in this country. I ate so much things. I learned much. I did lots of karaoke singing.... I think the only bad things are the damn mosquitos, really really huge bugs in front of my door, that i tend to pay to much money and that i have to leave.
I even like the Japanese summer. It's incredible hot, for shure. But at least it is a summer and not a rainy something :D
I can't describe how many things i will miss. But sometimes you have to go when its at the best.
So saying goodbye... It never felt so hard like today with my kanojo. Thanks for spending the time with me!
Going to germany is a path i have to go. Like in the picture, a path from the shrine i have to go. But that only means that someday i can go the same path back.


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