Visiting, school, classmates

Welcome back.
Im full into the tokyo life style. Always on the run, so less writing.
At Sunday i visited harajuku. It's still crazy there!  Later i went to shibuya to met a friend. While i was waiting a model scout talked to me and asked if she could send some pictures of me to her boss. And im like wtf?! But hey why complain if people think im good looking. I don't think i hear ever again from them. At least of my short stay (they asked about that). But hey: a great ego-push :D
Than i experienced cinema in japan. The western movies are only subtitled in japanese. So its no problem to follow up if you know English. And then the classical thing: karaoke :D 
Than at eating i discovered a fish i like. That's really rare. But it is couse of the Japanese thing to share the food. It makes it easier to just try things. If you don't like it, someone other will eat it.

So to my school. I finished my second day today. It's cool i think. There are really nice people in my class. To choose the beginners class was the right thing todo :-)
With my classmates i was at the mejin shrine before the first lectures and after that in shibuya again. Its funny how to see in the faces of others how i may have looked at my first visit at shibuya crossing :D

Today, after my school was over, i visited a japanese high school and talked to two students. I think its really great that i had the opportunity to do this. That's a once in a life experience. Thanks for that!
Im curious what the next days will happen :D


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