Starbucks japanese style and learning katakana

Just imagine you are a Starbucks junky and think you know everything about how orders in Starbucks work on the world. But if you weren't in a Starbucks in japan you don't know!
Somehow if the Starbucks is crowdy the cashier actually mention this and say that there is no place free and you either wait or buy something togo. But if its full they tend to say that there is no free place. A bit confusing if you are used to be fucked if you buy something for stay and end up hanging around like an idiot with your chai tea if there is no free place. So actually i find this great here.
Today actually the cashier was running through the Starbucks and looking for a free place for me and saved it with a reserved sign! Where do you find that?! And did i mention they have macha frapuchino over here? :D

Other topic: today we were finally forced to learn katakana. I started to learn it slowly but forced by the teachers, that gives you a huge push. So today i ran through the city and was finally able to read signs that lead to karaoke :D i also got into a huge mall and read something about like "supootsu" at 7th floor and thought maybe sports. So i  drove up there and what i saw was books... but i don't give up so easy, next to the books where the sports articles!
It feels great if you can test new skills actually in the country and be a bit less lost. It's like figuring out a new, how to say.... language... xD


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