
Showing posts from 2016

It's cold here

I really like Japanese summer. Most Japanese think I'm crazy couse of this but at least there I don't freeze outside. The only cold places in japan summer are inside couse people tend to make the air conditioner as cold as possible and then they serve you a cold soup... couse it's summer (I really don't like that^^). But still im freezing less there. Now I'm back in Germany and in the morning it's so damn the outside! The good thing is, I can take my time here with washing the summer clothes, I don't need them so much here :D The last days we spent with much eating and buying things for home that we can't get here, like matcha latte. Also couse of original tone we could go to the cinema again. One time I took a break from shopping and was at a studio penta. It's a company where you can rent rooms on a hour basis for music rehearsal, so rent a room and a guitar and have fun. And no worries about neigbours couse of good isolation. Find tho

Nice spots, meat and cultures

Wow again some days passed and it's hard to keep up to date to what happened. So I was in kobe and tastet my first kobe meat. For me it was an once in a live experience. The meat is really different from others and the preparation was at a nice setup. It's so soft and tasty. We bought 3 pieces for different prices and actually the most expensive was the softest. But the result for me is that for more times it is to expensive that I would say yeah I want to eat this every year. There are so many other things that are so tasty, which are much cheaper. So once in a life a nice thing but for me nothing more. Back in tokyo we had our one year dating anniversary and we were back in yokohama. We tried out the yokohama land mark tower and damn that was a good choice! I really recommend that. We got up before it gets dark around 18:30 or so. So we saw yokohama and tokyo from above at daylight. Around 19 o clock it gets dark in summer in japan. And there the view was getting even bette

Countryside of japan

The last days in Tokyo I was happy to see a friend from last year studying at genkijacs. It's really nice that we could see again in japan :-) He is again studying there so I quickly jumped in and said hello to some of the teachers. I really can recommend them if you have the time, the money and the motivation to learn Japanese some weeks there. After that we visited the the father of my girlfriend for some days. He lives in a small village in tokushima. There are many mountains! One day we did a nice adventure trip through the mountains and visited a valley and walked over an old style bridge which was originally build by samurais many years ago who lived in that area. The countryside of japan is of course quite different from tokyo. Less people, less action, less stress. So basically we slept and ate much :D Like in German countryside you really need a car in that area. But the cars here are much smaller. Not couse of the people, it's couse of the small roads in the villa

Fujisan and surprise

Today we made a day trip to fujisan (fujiyama). It was a long trip but fun. On the way to the viewing spot we drove with an old style train. It was much shaking and slower but fun :-) on the way it also took stops so that you could see fujisan better. We arived at lake kawaguchiko. From there we took a ropeway up the  katchikatchiyama mountain. At that mountain was a viewing spot where you normally can see fujisan very good. But today he was shy and hiding under some clouds. But it was still a nice view and fun! At the evening we wanted to meet a friend and it turnt out to be a surprise party for us from the old band members of my girlfriend. It was so nice and so much good food in an Italian restaurant :-) also I somehow managed to understand more Japanese than I thought I would. Maybe all the learning slowly starts to pay out. But still it will be a long way to someday speak like in English. Anyway it was much fun and I'm glad for those moments :-)

Back to the past

The first full day in Tokyo and suddenly much things to do. First I was going with my girlfriend to the eye doctor and I could see how that looks. The doctors office is quite different from Germany. Much less space refers to much less rooms and somehow everything is in one room just divided by furniture and dividing walls. The machines are basically the same. The knowhow seems also be same standard like in Germany. And couse of the small place people don't talk so loud to give it a little bit of privacy. Later we meet my girlfriends sister and we're at our favourite udon shop. It's so tasty there and I learned much Japanese from the sister. Even so it's hard to answer if suddenly someone asks something you didn't prepare in some textbook! Suddenly my knee wanted to become worse again. I found out I wore the same shoes when the problem startet. I didnt wore them for long time. So we startet the adventure of finding shoes in my size. It's quite challenging. Som

My fifth time

Wow time is running so fast!  I'm about to travel my fifths time to Japan. Two years ago was my first trip. This time I'm traveling together with my girlfriend to meet friends and relatives. The start of the trip is already good. We got a free upgrade to premium economy! It's not business like last year in summer, but still better seats and service :-) I really like that airline! The next 12 hours maybe will be a bit boring in the plane but I hope for good movies. Also this trip we have a tight and intressting shedule. For example we will visit fujisan and we make a travel to the countryside of japan in tokushima. Also I'm looking forward to eat my first kobe beef! But for now I settle with a fresh mint tea, search some Pokémon and wait for the flight to start :-)

Flying back again 又

Why does holiday is always so fast! Suddenly im sitting at the airport and enjoy my last Matcha Latte. Didn't I arrived just yesterday? I assume not but my feeling says otherwise. I had a nice trip again. And saw a lot of things and met many new people. Even my Japanese seems to improve a little bit so I sometimes surprise people by understanding what's going on :D I saw fukuoka, could travel together with my girlfriend, saw a Japanese house from the inside, ate many Japanese food.... by the way I love udon noodles. And at this one udon shop they thought I'm living there couse every time I'm around we eat there. So long back to Germany. Tomorrow I can work again. Also this time the waiting for my girlfriend is not so long, so I'm looking forward to new adventures in Germany in the next month's!

Fukuoka Trip

So the last days I was leaving my beloved Tokyo for a trip to Fukuoka  (福岡)! I met there the Mother of my Girlfriend^^ I whish I could fly to Tokyo as fast like in the time of this flight. Fukuoka so far I saw is a nice big city at the sea! The first impression actually were at the Subway. My girlfriend met surprisingly an old friend and I had a nice talk with a guy originally from Great Britain who lives in Fukuoka with his Japanese wive. Most times only strange people wants to talk to me. But in Japan I sometimes got nice chit chat with other Foreigners for exchange experience :D Our resident this time was the Hilton Hotel with a nice view to Fukuoka Tower. The first time I could actually walk in a Room at a residence in Japan :D. But actually I love my tiny room at our Hotel Wing International Korakuen in Tokyo, they are so nice! Back to Fukuoka! We visited the Fukuoka Tower and had a nice view over the Town. Also I got discount for being German :D At the tower was also a floor

Gakusei and Sensei

Wow this is my forth trip to Tokyo! But this time I will also visit Fukuoka. So far some days has past and much things happened. At Sunday I was at a calligraphy and origami event with Japanese and international people. There I was the 学生 (Gakusei / Student) It really was fun. I'm not used to write kanji so much. Especially to write it nice with real calligraphy equipment! But with the nice help of our beautiful teachers it was make able that even I got a nice picture! You can see it here too. I wrote Sakura (桜 / さくら). It's stands for cherry blossom tree. On Monday I had the honor to be a guest at the Japanese high school again I visited in last summer before. I was guest in the English conservation class. There I was actually like a  先生 (Sensei / Teacher). It was really fun to see the other side of the classroom. The students were very nice and I tried to give everyone a good experience even if they all had a different level of English. Also I learned that if you want to be